Celeste Love
September 01, 2020
As I was praying during SSOM training conducted by HIM, I felt the wind blow across my face. I noticed a distant light which approached me in a split second, bursting into smaller, bright orb lights. It reminded me of bubbles, very bright, something extraterrestrial. Then I saw four bright lights which were square at the bottom, but had fluttering at the top. Then I noticed the bottom of the angels robe, and at the top was the fluttering wings of the angels. It was so intense, and kept glowing brighter so I could not be certain what it was, but felt in my spirit that it was from God. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in a white robe. He had a white scarf draped across his head which hung down on the right side of his face, shadowing his face, however, the light was radiating from Him at the same time. I could feel the presence of His holy anointing. I felt him holding my hand. He was like my rock, holding me firmly and steady. It was as if He was reassuring me of His love and that He would always be there for me. He is my rock and firm foundation in this uncertain world.
September 24, 2020
I am so Thankful for Benji's visit here. God opened my eyes to see some new things through his ministry.

September 24, 2020
Through this time I learned more how to enter into God's Presence and function in it. God also spoke deep words into my heart.
Michael Obi Okwuosah - Executive Director for ASLPN
September 24, 2020
I have known John Peters for about 10 years now and I am amazed at how the Lord has taken him from glory to glory. John is a man after the heart of God and committed to the work of the Holy Spirit. He has a passion for missions and empowering the body of Christ and with this passion through Hope International Missions (HIM) he has traveled the world. I believe this is the beginning of greater things to come for John, who has served faithfully as a leader with a ASLPN

Pramodh Andrew Giri
September 24, 2020
Greetings! Gratitude and respect to you for this Bible school. Through this school I received a revelation of who I
am. Before I came for the school I felt I was unwanted and good for nothing but after the training I'm enlightened with the visions and calling of God
Ramila Rai
September 24, 2020
Through this school, I got a multitude of blessings from the Holy Spirit. I was not able to encounter with Holy Spirit before, but through this training, I got a filling and baptism of the Holy Spirit and I know my spiritual gifting.

Rojan Nagar
September 24, 2020
I want to thank from my heart all of the teachers for bringing the Word to my country and all the trouble you all had to go through to bring this training to us.
September 24, 2020
While praying, my hands were up and electric current was running through my body. During this time, I touched my neck and I was instantly healed from neck pain.

Asthma Chaudhary
September 24, 2020
Through this training I received many things- many blessings. I'm filled with God's joy, love, presence and holiness. Today I'm able to receive new hope in the Lord.
September 24, 2020
I received a lot through Benji's Ministry. He reminded us of our purpose and helped me to get focused again. He reminded us about the need to prepare ourselves for our purposes.

Grace Tamang
September 24, 2020
My hands were stretched out, asking him to give me all 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. I fell down under the anointing.
Ishak Ghale
September 24, 2020
Under the anointing, I felt electric shock and my body was shaking. I felt like crying. While I was praying a voice came and said, "I have called you here". I asked “why was I called here?”